Tuesday, July 12, 2016

2 Words you like - Week 2


What are your 2 favorite words from p. 130? 
Tell us why you choose them. 
Write the example sentence in the book. 
How will you use them later? Include your own example sentences.  

You must read 2 classmates' answers and make a comment
When you receive a comment, you should reply. Thanks! :)


  1. Some of the my favorite words is wrapped. This word which gives more accurate meaning of the sentences. For example, the gift is wrapped instead of the gift is covered. Another word is souvenirs. It is my best word because I like to buy many of the stuff from different countries.

    1. Good job. I like buying souvenirs from different counties too! What's the most impressive souvenir you have brought up to now?

    2. Good job.Do you know how can use words in your essay?

    3. I've brought a blue eye jewelry which is famous in Turkey. And I have brought a a Big Ben medal from London.

    4. In fact, I did not use these words in writing essay, but I'll try to use them.

  2. The first of my favorite word is degrading. For example "they're nitrated with respect and have to perform degrading tricks for tourists." This word is useful on the life when you are talking with someone. The other word is preserve. For example "they're trying to preserve the wild elephant population." This word is clearly to explain the sentences of writing and reading.

    1. Good job. How to use these word you chose in future?

    2. That's right, and why do you think it's useful?

    3. Sure ! Degrading it's useful Mostly when people want to explain their opinion to someone bad.

    4. Great. Do you can use it when you talk with people?

  3. One of my favorite word in page130 is "preserve".The reason why I choose the word is that it provides a simple way to illustrate the meaning of keeping something from being changed of harmed which means keeping fresh. In the book it said that "They're trying to preserve the wild elephant population." I will use the word in my daily life like"I will preserve breakfast for lunch" in future. Another word that I'm interested in is "stretch". The only reason I enjoy it is that it was a new verb to me. In the passage it said "the women wear brass coils to stretch their necks". I will put this word in my article in the future. My example is "Stretch the tight muscle before you do sports."

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. great Eric. I like your words.

    2. Good! I have the same words!

    3. That is good. Using new world on your article is good.

  5. One of my favorite words is preserve. The main reason is that this is a new word to me.And I think this word is very important in this article. It means keep something from broken. So. I chose this word as my favorite word. In this place, they are trying to preserve the wild elephant population.This a sentence in the article. For example, preserving some fruits in refrigerator is a best way to keep fresh. In the future, i can use this word into my essay which about how to preserve foods.
    Another word is souvenir. When I was 13 years old, I went to Beijing and see The Great Wall. In Beijing, I bought a souvenir which is a small toy likes The Great Wall. I like this souvenir very much. And i still remember it . So. i chose this word for my favorite word. I also bought some nice souvenir; a stuffed elephant toy for my niece and a carved wooden elephant for my parents. This a sentence in the article. For example, I bought a souvenir when I wen to Beijing. In the future, I will use this word to write my article about touring.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you. what kinds of sonvenir do you have?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My favorite words in this articles , is wrapped , i choose this word because it's useful and sound good for the vocabulary , as business man that i will be , some times when i will be busy , i would ask to my assisstant for a help , when i will receive some money , or bundle of money. i would ask him for example ; Hey guy , before to get home , make sure that my bundle of money be wrapped. , The second word , traditions .. i usually use this word , i use this , to have a good way for knowledge about others cultures , most of the time , just to know how do things work in others culture , for example , i can ask to know something about another cultures , for example : - i would like , to go in south africa , to meet zoulou people and know more about their cultures , because it so particulary.

    1. good Stephane. These words are the some words in your first language?

  9. My favourite words are make a living and stretch. I choose these words because these words are so easy to remember it. These two example in the book. They just want to make a living by showing the animals to tourists. And, the women wear brass coils to stretch their necks. The most important thing in the life to make a living. When you wake up from the sleep you need to stretch your body. I will use it like this way.

    1. Great! Easy to remember is a good reason to learn vocabulary!

    2. That is a good idea, using your real hobbit and life to remember new worlds is real smart!.

  10. I like preserve and stretch. There are 2 examples in this article. They are trying to preserve the wild elephant population. The women wear brass coils to stretch their necks. They are common words. So I pick them. For example, I always stretch my arms in the morning. I want to preserve this fruit in the fridge in order to I can eat them tomorrow.

    1. That's good words. Is it new words for you?

  11. My favorite words is stretch and degrading. I like it because it's useful on the life. For example, I like to stretch always in the morning. They're not perform degrading tricks for tourists.

  12. First world I want to talk is "wrap", the world means "folded around something". I can use it on my usually life, for example, I was wrapped under the bedclothes when my friends came. Why I chose the world is I did not know the world. That is it. Second world is souvenirs, it means "things you buy to help you remember a place". Red Fu in Chinese is a special is a nice souvenirs that means luck. The new world is useful to describe my hometown on some test. So I chose this world.
