Monday, July 18, 2016

Disucssion about Mistakes - Week 3

What have you learned from today's discussion about mistakes? Pick 2 examples. Tell us why you choose them. How will you use them later? Include example senteces. 

You must read 2 classmates' answers and make a comment.
When you receive a comment, you should reply. Thanks! :)


  1. In today's discussion, I learned about spelling word. I choose the mistake from number 1 because I did not know this word before but, today I learned this word by which they can be used in writing an article about Thailand which is "Thai". Another mistake I learned that at the beginning of the sentence must be capital letters because sometimes I did this mistake.

    1. Great Fatimah! But, please remember that you must include your own sentences at the end. How will you use the 2 mistakes you picked in your future? For example?

    2. Good! Can you use your own words to write a sentence?

  2. At the class of this session, I learned a part of grammar on the sentences. For example"Because Antarctica is the center of important it must be preserve". We need to put the right words to the sentences as"it must be preserve". Then, we need to spell words correctly of the sentences.

    1. Great Lun! But, please remember that you must include your own sentences at the end. How will you use the 2 mistakes you picked in your future? For example?

    2. Good! How will you use then later?

    3. remmeber that after be , you have to put the verb to the past participle , so , you have to say ' Be Preserved ' instead of ' Be Preserve '

    4. That's great. Are you learning a lot this session?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In today discussion, I learned the mistakes in second sentence.Even though you write a complete sentence in a article, some spelling mistakes must low your grades.Therefore, i believe that spelling right vocabularies in a sentence is very important.I make the decision that I have to check spelling twice.They were not treated with respect and have to perform degrading tricks. Another mistake I learned is putting "which" in a right position in a sentence.In the forth sentence, this word have two different way to use. The first is that put the common before "which". It means that this word describe whole sentence.The second is that "which" connect the antecedent. It means this word describe a word before it. In the future, I will understand these two ways and then analyze the whole sentence. Playing basketball is a dispensable sports for people, which can gives more benefits to them.

    1. Nice work man, what will you do to improve analyze sentences?

    2. Great, Do you learn more now ?

    3. In oder to analyze sentence,I will identity every words in sentence .

  5. Today in class, I learned more about some mistakes that are easy to fix it. I learned two thinks. One mistake is spelling words. Other mistake is to forget that part of the sentence. I choose example 1 because of spelling words, and I choose example 4 because you can fix it by two ways. For example, I read many books about myths in (Grece) Greece. Other example, I went to Walmart to buy some food, but I forgot to buy bread. I must be buy today. I went to Norman Public (library) to read some books, but I did not have time. I must be read (it) today.

  6. I have learned that we all have to pay attention to simple words mistakes in daily writing homework or tests from the first sentence. At first I didn't notice that there is no "s" after the "elephant" which was a quite sample mistake but I just didn't notice it. I will be careful by using this kind of words in the future. Another mistake I have learned is to be careful about using words correctly from the second sentence. In the second sentence it used "help" which wasn't good, "have to" could be better. I will try my best using the right words in the future writing projects. For example, I would say "he is good at cooking" instead of saying"he is fine cooking".

    1. Great! You did that well.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Im right with you , when you say , he is good at cooking , It's sounds better.

  7. In today's mistakes. I learned that "be preserved" is passive. I can use that like this, "he is called by his friend". For the other one, I learned that spelling of "Thai". I can use it correctly. For example, "I would like to take some Thai food".

    1. Great Tuo. What will you do to fix spelling?

    2. Great. Do you can write it by the right way now?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. In today's mistakes , i have learned that , when i use a noun which means a group of something , or person , get a 's' at the end of the word. For example ; Peoples are not secured in the embassy of Ghana in DRC. Secondly, i have learned that , if a verb come after the auxiliary 'be' change into past participle for example ; If a verb come after the auxiliary 'be' must be CHANGED into past participle.

    1. I remember that peoples is wrong. People are humans.

    2. Good! What is your mistake which you do it many time?

    3. xinzeng zhang , remmember that you said the same thing , it's a group of person .....

  10. One thing that I learned form the picture is "inhibit". If you want to say somebody live somewhere, we can use "inhibit" and "in". For example. Tom inhibits in the coastal area. In addition, "trick" means "a cunning act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone" .For example, Ton thought Marry was playing some trick on him.

  11. I learned a lot of things this session. For example, I learned how to put the s in the right word like have a chance about the animals.
